Age of wonders 3 wiki convert to volcanic
Age of wonders 3 wiki convert to volcanic

Thousands gather around the Torchbearers seeking food, healing and shelter. Merlin's presence is but a small comfort as I don the grim face of leadership. My mother wears the same look when she reads history. There are moments when I can see real memories behind his haunted eyes. Some might think me foolish, but I believe him. With the two most powerful nations about to destroy each other, should something return from the Shadow Realm, the world would be easy to conquer. He believes the evil he sealed in the Shadow Realm is influencing this world, inspiring the Shadowborn. He sacrificed his life, his love, and his reputation to save our world. He doesn't deny this terrible thing, but he claim he did it to prevent a greater evil from entering Athla. Those in this world lost much of their power, including my mother. Most Wizards were trapped into the Shadow Realm. He was a hero, until he broke the Wizard's Circle in Evermore to seal shut the last Shadowgate. It's no secret that Merlin and my mother were in love. The Wanderer Merlin joins us on our voyage.

Age of wonders 3 wiki convert to volcanic